Data Loading Repositories


A collection of COVID-19 related scientific papers with metadata like authors, affiliations, references transformed from the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge

graph LR Repo{{data_cord19}}-->|"loads"|Node1((Paper)) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer([Tim Bleimehl]) Node1-->Node2(("BodyText")) Node1-->Node3(("Abstract")) Node1-->Node4(("Author")) subgraph "primary nodes" Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4 end click Maintainer href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Repo href "" "GitHub Repo" _blank click Node1 href "/docs/api/objects/paper" click Node2 href "/docs/api/objects/body-text" click Node3 href "/docs/api/objects/abstract" click Node4 href "/docs/api/objects/author"


The base biomedical concepts from Gtex, GeneOntology, Reactome, NcbiTaxonomy, NcbiGene, BigWordList, Ensembl, Refseq, Uniprot

graph LR Repo{{data_biobase}}-->|"loads"|Node1((Gene)) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer([Martin Preusse]) Node1-->Node2(("Transcripts")) Node1-->Node3(("Proteins")) subgraph "primary nodes" Node1 Node2 Node3 end click Maintainer href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Repo href "" "GitHub Repo" _blank click Node1 href "/docs/api/objects/gene" click Node2 href "/docs/api/objects/transcript" click Node3 href "/docs/api/objects/protein"


Covid case statistics from Jonhs Hopkins University and UN World Population data

graph LR Repo{{data_jhu_population}}-->|"loads"|Node1((DailyReport)) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer1([Martin Preusse]) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer2([Tim Bleimehl]) Node1-->Node2(("Province")) Node1-->Node3(("Country")) subgraph "primary nodes" Node1 Node2 Node3 end click Maintainer1 href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Maintainer href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Repo href "" "GitHub Repo" _blank


Data transformed from the Covid19 Patent Dataset

graph LR Repo{{data-lens-org-covid19-patents}}-->|"loads"|Node1((Patent)) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer([Tim Bleimehl]) Node1-->Node2(("PatentTitle")) Node1-->Node3(("PatentAbstract")) subgraph "primary nodes" Node1 Node2 Node3 end click Maintainer href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Repo href "" "GitHub Repo" _blank click Node1 href "/docs/api/objects/patent" click Node2 href "/docs/api/objects/patent-title" click Node3 href "/docs/api/objects/patent-abstract"

Clinical Trials

Data transformed from For additional information see this related blog post by Kirsten Langendorf

graph LR Repo{{data_clinical-trials-gov}}-->|"loads"|Node1((ClinicalTrial)) Repo-->|"maintained by"|Maintainer([KirstenLangendorf]) Node1-->Node2(("StudyType")) Node1-->Node3(("Inclusion <br/>Criteria")) Node1-->Node4(("Exclusion <br/>Criteria")) subgraph "primary nodes" Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4 end click Maintainer href "" "GitHub Maintainer Profile" _blank click Repo href "" "GitHub Repo" _blank click Node1 href "/docs/api/objects/clinical-trial" click Node2 href "/docs/api/objects/study-type" click Node3 href "/docs/api/objects/inclusion-criteria" click Node4 href "/docs/api/objects/exclusion-criteria"
